Monday, July 25, 2016

Planes, no trains and automobiles

Here's my morning in a nutshell:
4:15 - alarm
5:30 - taxi to Dublin airport
8:15 - leave Dublin
9:15 - arrive at London Heathrow
11:15 - leave London
1:15* - arrive in Paris
3:15 - get the keys to my apartment for the week. 

* the flight from London to Paris only took about 45 minutes once we took off but it looks like two hours because of the time change between Ireland/U.K. and the rest of continental Europe. 

So I met Marie for the apartment keys and where everything is. The only problem was that I knew my suitcase was super heavy and I just hoped I could get it here and then not have to worry about it again till the weekend when I prepare to go home. But of course, she informs me that the elevator wasn't working and the guy was here fixing it. So she was nice enough to help me get my suitcase up SIX flights of spiral stairs. Ugh. And it's cloudy and humid here so you can just imagine how I was feeling.  She showed me around and where everything was and then skedaddled. 

I decided to take it easy this afternoon and not pound the pavement too much to give my feet a break from what I've put them through the last week and a half so I rested up, texted friends and even fell asleep for about an hour while waiting for my phone to charge a little and for a rainstorm to move through. 

After, I decided to explore a little and walk all the way down Rue du Temple to Ile-de-la-Cité (where Notre-Dame is) and cross over to Ile-Saint-Louis for some Berthillon ice cream. I wanted to get to the original store because they have more choices but they were closed with a sign saying they'll reopen August 31 - gotta love France and their summer vacations. So I went somewhere else and got roasted pineapple basil and pear. Both good but the basil pieces threw me off a bit. I want to sample different flavors every day... We shall see. I have my eye on pink grapefruit next... 

So I ate it down on the banks of the river and watched the tourist boats go by. Then I wanted to walk back a different way so I crossed back over to the Right Bank, through the Saint Paul area and up to Place des Vosges, where the locals hang out. (By the way, I got asked for directions by some lady - if she only knew I just arrived...ha!) The locals were all hanging out on blankets with their wine and other goodies, chatting with friends and whatever else they do on a beautiful Monday night. 

Now back to the apartment with a now-working elevator and hopefully, I get a good nights sleep! Night!

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