Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Day tripper

This morning, it was gorgeous when we left Glenlo Abbey for the day (we'll be back for one more night) and here's a panorama of the outside. 

We traveled just about an hour to catch a ferry to Inish Mor, the largest of the three Aran Islands. We had a little bit of rain on the boat but by the time we arrived, more sun and less clouds. We had a little bit of time to wait for our bus to take us to another part of the island. Our driver, Martin, was quite entertaining; he sang us songs, made us laugh with his witty jokes and showed us the island. 

 After we arrived at the entrance to the hike up to the fortress, he dropped us off and we got lunch. Then at our own pace, we hiked up to the fortress overlooking the cliffs and the water. The first 2/3 of the way up was mostly gravel and maybe some grass. The last part was made up of uneven (and sometimes slippery) limestone rocks that make up the whole island. It was like a puzzle to figure out when to step next. Arriving up to the fortress, the views were wonderful. We could see the whole end and layout of that end of the island. 

Here's the cliffs from the fortress. 

We carefully made our way back down to the meeting point and Martin took us back down to our starting point. With just a few minutes to spare, we caught the 4:00 ferry back over to the mainland. On the way back, there was a group of French students in front of me. I finally started talking to the one boy and it was fun to finally use my French. Once we got back to the mainland, the bus driver took us back to Galway for a few hours of free time including dinner. We were recommended by a New Yorker to eat at an Italian restaurant around the corner and the beef lasagna was really tasty. We walked around town a little bit more before it was time to meet the bus back to the hotel. And now it's my last night in this posh room so I've got to enjoy it while I can. Night!

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