Sunday, June 19, 2016

Head in the clouds part deux

This morning we left that fabulous little inn on the side of the mountain to head down from the clouds and back to civilization. It was so cloudy/foggy this morning that we couldn't really see anything of that view we had seen last night. So we said goodbye to Austria and after a few hours in the bus, we took a quick stop in the principality of Liechtenstein. The sticky situation was that everything was expensive, in Swiss francs instead of Euros and since it was Sunday, many things were closed. So Frau and I holed ourselves up in a restaurant with free wifi, ate lunch and caught up on blogs, Instagram and Facebook since we were without wifi last night. We met the bus afterwards and since the weather was mostly rainy and quite chilly today, Ottokar nixed the outdoor plans and talked our bus driver into taking us to Zurich instead. What a pleasant surprise! Some of the best memories are those not on the original itinerary. It rained most of the time that we were there but it was still lovely to explore a new city. Zurich is the most expensive place to live in the world and it's crazy how high some prices are. One of the students found a Happy Meal for $10!? 

So after a few hours of roaming the city and watching the ducks and swans, we headed to Seelisberg, a tiny village outside of Lucerne, which is where we will be exploring tomorrow. Here is the view from our balcony tonight. It seems unreal - like it's a postcard or from a movie and we're not actually here. 

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